Save money The Google algorithm takes into account such very important factors as page loading speed when ranking websites. For best performance Googles documentation has a lot of recommendations for image optimization browser cache scripts and code optimization optimize page markup. The developers of the same platform took these suggestions into account so that the website loads very fast. Loading Speed Cluster Loading Speed Optimization Platform Website Structure Optimization The second important stage of website and online store promotion is building an effective landing page structure and its optimization. Built in functions take care of this phase of the platform. Features Here you can set title description keywords and title image tag templates for different types of pages subcategories brand pages product cards filter pages blog news. This feature is very flexible and you can easily mask titles and meta tags for individual categories or groups of categories. This allows you to optimize each branch of your site structure as efficiently as possible. Lets analyze cut with a simple example. We have a task based on a template.
Write title tags for product cards in specific categories of our online store. Implementation Example In Section Click Add button Label Template Fill in the following field Name Template Type section in the window. In the template field we Netherlands WhatsApp Number List label template we plan to use on the product card page. In Template Type dropdown select Product meta title item template type we set enable checkbox to activate the template and select the product category we need from the hierarchy of the site we select the category we need as a result we will have a title tag according to Template product names for all product cards in a category can be purchased at low prices in online stores. Everything is very quick and easy. Now lets complicate the task a bit. We will try to display the product price currency and brand in the description meta tag in addition to the standard offer. That is to say lets make a description label based on the following template to buy from the manufacturer at a price in the online store. The order of operations is the same for us just in the template.
In the field we enter other variables with the help of these variables data will be added in the meta tag add template so we will display the meta tag for all the products in the category according to the specified template. Everything is also simple and fast as shown in the above example. Product Name Card Valid Variables List Product Name Block Title set for Product Page Modified Name If not set for Product Product Name Article Short Description Brand Price Old Price Quantity Color Currency Parent Section Name Valid Variables List Page Title Block Page Set title Parent section name Page number output when pagination exists It should be noted that most of them do not have such functionality You have to purchase additional modules and plugins which in turn generate additional costs from the clients budget. Indexing and optimization of filter pages When dealing with large product categories it is sometimes necessary to optimize and open separate filters for indexing in addition to the main section. At the same time the main part of the filter should be invisible to search engines. For this we need to specify the filter.