This does not mean, however, that in other provinces this phrase is not searched at all. Please note that Google Trends only studies trends for a specific query., so it is worth using other tools when choosing keywords. You can read more about keyword selection tools in the LSI keywords post . In this column, we can also manually configure the display of data - we can narrow the search to a specific city. Similar topics and searches are displayed below. As you can see, there are few suggestions for the selected phrase. However, let's change the examined phrase to house warming.
We see here that there is much more data. Similarly, in terms of searching in a given region in Poland:. We already know how to use the basic features of Google Trends. However, the tool offers more - comparing key phrases. We'll take a look at these features in the next section of the post. How to compare data in Google Mexico WhatsApp Number List Trends? You have probably faced a choice more than once – what to write about or what product to promote. Comparing phrases in Google Trends comes in handy. We assume that your store sells insulation materials, including polystyrene and polystyrene.
Which of these products is more popular in the region you are interested in? Are any of them trending at specific times? We will find the answer to all of these questions in Google Trends! The chart above clearly shows that the interest in expanded polystyrene in the last twelve months is much higher than in the case of polystyrene. However, this is not surprising, it is known that polystyrene is a much more recognizable product. However, you can see that the trends for both phrases are similar. In similar periods, interest in the indicated phrases increases and decreases.