Generally speaking, mobile UI interface design includes two directions, namely graphic (visual) design and interaction design:
Visual design: mainly responsible for whether the UI looks beautiful, whether it has a sense of design, etc.;
Interaction Design: Mainly responsible for whether the UI is smooth to use, easy to use, etc.
More importantly, the charm of mobile APP UI design is that you not only need to learn to use some appropriate skills, but also effectively understand the interaction between users and programs. An effective user interface is concerned with the achievement b2b data of user goals, and everything including visual elements and functional operations needs to be consistent.
1. If you are about to start designing a mobile APPui interface design, how do you do some basic preparations?
① Be sure to play the machine and play the APP. Including iOS, Andorid, ipad, watch and other smart devices.
② Familiar with the interface design specifications of each platform.
③ Learn to appreciate several good APP designs or good APP design templates
④ No matter what size of UI you design, you must have a test machine, which means you must test it on a real machine.
⑤ Use review as a stage of mobile UI work.
(Note: review means comment and feedback. That is to say, after we complete some modules in the mobile APP UI design, we must conduct periodic reviews and summaries, revisions and feedback.)
⑥ Cultivate a reliable program partner. Learn and understand deeper design specifications from some experienced client-side programmers.
2. The following are some APP UI design principles that we must understand as a mobile APP UI designer
① Consistency of UI design
When users come to your APP, they will keep a habit of thinking in their minds, and your UI needs to be consistent so that the user's thinking direction will not be disrupted.
② The fluency of UI design
You should analyze whether your site is easy to navigate. Users should have the freedom to control their browsing behavior, making sure they can jump out of a place and exit without a hitch. Don't let your users get lost in your design work.
③ Group characteristics of UI design