This is all great, but where should I spend my advertising budget? [pullquote] Mona Elesseily points out that Bing Ads has also integrated search functionality into various Microsoft products such as Xbox, Microsoft Office and Cortana, and tries to understand the searchuser behavior of different platforms, different types of devices, etc. [pullquote] With a large majority of PPC analysts having similar sentiments, it's safe to say that SEM has the potential to be just as effective as SEO for many businesses – it just lies in the strategy created and the adjustments needed. This brings us to our next question: what exactly should you include in the SEM Targeted PPC Strategy for 2016? What do SEM and PPC teams need to do to thrive? Accept the changes Many benefits lie in growing your PPC and SEO into one holistic SEM strategy.
This idea was beautifully illustrated by Anthony Coraggio on . Beyond Anthony's guidance, SEM is constantly evolving. Let's review image masking service some highlights from 2016 so far: SEM teams need to create strategies to federate mobile. Marin analyzed $7.8 billion in annual ad spend to find that more than 50% of budgets are spent on mobile ads. A survey by Bizrate Insights (a division of Connexity) indicates that 73% of online shoppers use mobile devices to shop online. Retailer Extra Space Storage increased its ROI by nearly 100 points using SEM. SEM teams will need to become application friendly and they will need to be indexed. In a study by Searchmetrics, 84% of the top 100 websites in Google searches in the United States offer an Android app. While only 30% of them had performed application indexing.
Local search in ads will continue to grow and improve. As Bing associates half of its mobile voice searches with local places and Google says mobile accounts for 88% of all 'nearby' searches, we're going to see mobile local ads become more competitive. After a month of working on SEM, All Things Aquarium received over 200 qualified local visitors to its website, resulting in many phone calls and several new customers, according to this case study. As you can see, mobile is really dominating 2016. It's now more important than ever to get your mobile advertising strategy in place across multiple search engines. If you are able to adapt to these 2016 changes, the result will be more meaningful interaction with your consumer and more conversions. To sum up, your SEM process should be influenced by your growing business, your competitors, and the ever-changing PPC and SEO market landscape.